and their CEO’s are still seen as door openers to the future, technical renewers, and this image is not Capricorn, but more Aquarius, Uranus-like. Welcome to December, Cancer!The holiday season is … May 31, 2020 Last January 2017 we read with excitement the predictions of vedic astrologer Gurmeet Singh about Trump and after waiting almost 2 years, Mr. Singh has predicted that Trump will not be re-elected in November 2020. Financial Astrology December 2020 forecast: Dec 10-30, 2020 (esp. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Concerning 5G the core problem is electrosmog terror based on the imbecility that a test with a salt water filled silicone head (thermic effect dictate) was enough to overrule all serious science and epidemic reports studying the true effects of microwaves on living organisms, plants, animals , humans and ecosystems. Mercury, the Almutem Figuris or strongest planet in the 2020 horoscope is conjunct Castilia, an Apollo asteroid that is related to everything bad about wireless technology and the negative impact of microwaves on the human biology and health. World War 3: Our Astrologer Susan Taylor’s Predictions For 2020 Scarily, both Nostradamus and Baba Vanga predicted a World War 3. It is going to be quite a year. So this complex aspectation points to a hars clash, a world wide awareness of the politician problem and how this has to be solved on all fronts, social, economical, in the context of human rights, privacy, democracy and a general concern for the Earth, nature, the trees and ecosystems. Translated in normal language, 2001 KF77 in the centre of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction squared by Eris (offering unbearable extra pressure to this tension field) means that whistle-blowers play an important role in 2020. Planets do not enforce. My expectation considering the mess above is that governments and companies assisted by NATO’s complete insanity and the braindead Chinese government will keep developing and launching satellites with 5G and other space warfare technology, whereby part of this pandemic wil continuo down here in the cities and other areas, which will see a great number of protests and clashes and also lawsuits. Here is the link: December 2020 Horoscope I have discussed about the impact of the Solar Eclipse of 14 December 2020 as well. 2020 Will be the most crucial year for (what used to be called) “western civilization” since 1945. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. And this profession will have its golden year as asteroid Itokawa (research journalism) is conjunct Damocles (destroying or dismanteling the closed system, often from within). As this powercluster is fused with 2001 XA255, the worst case scenario is an increase of persecutions of people and groups, harsh condemnations, problems with transportations at the end of the traject, or on a larger scale war, in whatever version or shape available in the postmodern chaos. To illustrate the paragraph above a bit: Alex Jones has a wagon load of 2001 KF77 in his birth chart and Hillary Clinton, whose presidential campaign was sponsored by 97% of the weapon and war industries world wide – because of her marketing skills to promote preemptive wars and genocidal conflicts – is pretty much soaked in Eris. Lets handle the cards to the planets of 2020: Schematic overview of the dominant aspect of the 2020 horoscope combined with the parallel of this Saturn-Pluto square Eris configuration in the horoscope of World War I. 18-24) — The optimism that has been driving market up in the past few weeks may be superseded by focus on practical considerations, long-term planning, and wealth preservation. To get latest predictions please donate at least $15 Get a Reading with Jeanne Mayell Join Our List TO GET LATEST PREDICTIONS, DONATE $15 HERE In 2014, I predicted a collapsing event would happen in 2020 that would cause our world to shatter and then pivot towards a better world. Translated to astrological psychospheres: First of all there is far too much of the Fire and Air Element (negative Yang, a far to quick, aggressive and superficial way of living, resulting in the liquidation of true awareness and the human mode) compared to Earth and Water, resulting in negative Yin (Orwellian control systems, fear based government, massive bureaucracy, mass-thinking). Many Appeals by medics and uncorrupted scientist, like the Freiburg Appeal and the most recent anti-5G Appeal are deliberately ignored by those, having ethically reached the same degenerated state of mind as pedophiles and nazi-doctors. The start of a NEW World Order. 2020 was a period of great and profound upheaval.The stars announced changes and they did indeed take place. From this point of perspective, astrologically speaking, these tech-companies, together with corrupt NGO’s, NATO, EU, braindead governments, big banking, Wallstreet, tax systems, the Full Scope Dominance-doctrines of the USA and China, mass media, big pharma, big oil and petrochemicals, big multinationals in general ARE the system. and The Month's Astrological Events & This Years Astrological events 2020 This because the astrologer should not only look at the New Year-chart, but at the chart of every day of 2020 and include asteroids, black lights, midpoints and fixed stars. However, these super tech-companies behave and function as political powers, have tremendous semi-bureaucratic political and social influence, are in many cases interwoven with warmonger NATO and almost every government that practises the global neoliberal and new world order politics. This is for several reasons, of which the planned total 5G pollution of every spot on Earth is the most insane, actual and deadly threat for every living organism. A perfect storm of obstacles, barriers and blockages in the world horoscope, which began right on time with COVID-19 in the month of May 2020 and will not stop until 2040. Lots of attention with the planet and the environment and the health of the Earth. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Their CEO’s desire the “legal” raping of every open air space, the rape of every child on our planet playing outside, the rape of even the entire Amazon rainforest, with the same microwaves that killed hole swarms of birds already. They just provide mood and tension fields. we would have to thoroughly analyse 365+ charts in the highest mode of complexity. Below are the most important Nostradamus predictions for 2020 that will have a great impact on the whole world. See also other astrology articles by Benjamin Adamah, Tags: 20202020 chart2020 horoscope2020 new year chart5G apocalyps5g astrology5G depopulation5G disaster5G ecocide5G genocide5G pandemic5G satellites5Groningenapocalyps 2020horoscope 2020horoscope for 2020huge stock crises expected 2020makemake viral diseasepredictions for 2020predictions ICT 2020Saturn Pluto conjunctionSaturn Pluto conjunction 2020stock expectations ICT 2020swine flutelecom investments 2020what brings 2020 for you, Workshops Magie in de Roos, Amsterdam door Benjamin Adamah, Madeline Montalban – the Magus that rebooted Renaissance magick, The VYMANIKA-SHASTRA, intriguing and controversial, Centaurs in astrology and the refressing necessity of chaos, Magus – Leer & Ritueel; het ontstaan van een ongecensureerd boek over praktische magie. In Western Astrology, monthly or yearly predictions are based on Sun Sign. 2020 Astrology Predictions: Lunar Nodes Enter Gemini and Sagittarius The astrological players concerning 5G in the 2020 chart. 85 to 90% of his predictions came true and he infuses Vedic science with modern science along with astrology to make these predictions. Pluto’s force is catalysed by the Plutino Arawn, who not only acts as extra fuel for Pluto but hardens the aspectation significantly as it also catalyses the isolation and coldness of Saturn. The bad thing is, Eris (dominant not only in Hillary, but also in the Fukushima disaster) and Saturn were in a very tight square-aspect (90 degrees, denoting conflict and tension) on the day World War I started, on July 28, 1914. 2020 Astrology Prediction Series: 2020 Astrology Predictions: The Beginning of a New Astrological Era. The position of the osc. A more general outline however is very well possible. 5. This is when the renowned Age of Aquarius will finally begin. Jupiter in Capricorn means restricted progress and stimulates the “think before act”-routines and a more reasonable approach of problems, issues and ideas instead of a cheer optimistic “go for it!”. We will see another mortgage-crash coming somewhere in the near future, not based on astrological data, but on health-rot. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Concerning the truly horrifying situation that Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of the 5G maffia, who simply think they OWN our lives, are allowed to TOUCH the bodies of our children (not with their genitals but with a radiation that can fry children’s testikels and eyeballs) and OWN our planet and future and thus have the right to expose us 24/7 to 5G-shit via satellites, we first of all have to take a look at Uranus and dwarfplanet Makemake, as this object is linked to satellites and hightech. You have been planning to do something new … To answer the question whether the 2020 horoscope shows a financial market meltdown: No, not directly. It also points to a year of great revelations and scandals. Also the last eclips predating the new year would have to be examined i.e. Well it isn’t the complete view. Predictions made for 2020. Inventions are made to clear the oceans of plastic and people are protesting everywhere all over the planet for democratic and social rights; France, Hongkong, even in my own stupid country: The Netherlands. World War I took the lives of over 7 million civilians as a direct result of the war, while resulting genocides and the 1918 influenza pandemic caused another 50 to 100 million deaths worldwide. 9 min read. Black Moon). Eris (the civillians) is trine Varda. There is a clear signal that millions of people all over the world want to get rid for once and for all of this small group of psychopaths who poisons, bombs, exploits, overshadows the world and makes everything sick and dead, while adding absolutely nothing creative, except a web of lies and stupidity enforcement strategies. Astrology Global Forecast for the week of Dec 14, 2020. I’ve practised astrology for over 35 years and never used the term alignment, because it isn’t an astrological term, but a nonsense word invented by non-astrologers. Black Moon on the Aries Point denotes that the horoscope of 2020 is very strong about confrontation and the purging of things, rules, positions, processes that are simply not right or just. So in the heart of the 2020 horoscope we see that 2020 is about language, the power of words and the misuse of words and communication, like censorship enforcement, technical discrimination of key words/websites or modern witch-hunt terms like conspiracy theorist, tin foil hat etc.. Sun is also conjunct Prokne, which isn’t good at all, especially because the asteroid Sysiphus is opposing Sun. This artificial sphere or Zeitgeist filters the natural input of transiting planets and asteroids, emphasizing their negative features much more than their positive. Sysiphus hinders the “shining and radiating” with the repetitive hindering of result or conclusion. Oscar Winner Predictions 2020 I predict a large focus for the world in 2020 will be the earth itself. This is a potentially very dangerous and powerful aspectation. Prepare for a completely new world of trade and travel too. Updated 11/16/2020. There will be be no place to hide on Earth if these megalomaniacs are not stopped with all means possible. Mr. Singh went on further to say that Trump will do his best to postponed the US… We could be in for a roller coaster of a year. Satellites and 5G are not the biggest problem where classification is concerned. The 2020 horoscope is truly apocalyptic. 2020 Royal Family Predictions, Predictions for the Royal Family 2020. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The problem with astrological predictions concerning the world (mundane astrology) is that we always have to deal with basically 3 realities instead of one. TOI Astrology | Dec 7, 2020, 06:00 IST Education : Tables will turn for the students with this zodiac. The Earth and our drinking water is poisoned with round up, people are sick and mentally enslaved by smartphones, insects and birds are disappearing by billions, banks and big industry, almost entirely relie on lies, media lies and wars. Years - of - Harmony - Stability - Truth . Predicting the outcome of an election is a tempting exercise, but extremely difficult in practice. Read the 2020 astrology and 2020 horoscope report with detailed information about 2020 horoscope, astrology, Zodiac Signs 2020, Horoscopes, predictions 2020, annual astrology 2020 and personal astrology reading 2020. Astrology predictions. In the current cycle, the Saturn/Pluto conjunction aspect will be exact on January 11, 2020, with planet Mercury joining the configuration on the same day and the Sun two days later on January 13. Jupiter is conjunct Icarus (inspiration, original insight) and in exact square to “satellite-dwarf planet” Makemake, who also rules 5G-satellites. The 2020 horoscope is apocalyptic. Yearly predictions of a particular Sign are the transit movement of various planets during one year. 50% Of all Americans is already chronically ill and we see similar figures in Europe due to radiation, sick making industry food, lack of sleep, financial pressure and other rat race stuff. Baba Vanga, the illustrious Bulgarian clairvoyant, left behind a long list of predictions, spanning until 5079, the year when the world will end, according to her claims. Technically it is now possible to create astonishing accurate predictions, using the western astrological system, upgraded with asteroids. Marked by full Annular Solar Eclipses on June 21 st, 2020, the day of the summer solstice (it will be quite a site in Tibet, Ethiopia, and Oman). 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction—Exploring the Deepest Shadow. Updated 11/16/2020. However the financial system is completely entangled with the ruling system and the ruling system will get severe punches in the face in 2020. The photograph above shows a pro-war demonstration in Bologna, Italy, 1914. Dziewanna (bad shit, very painful situations) and 2001 SQ73 (pressure fluctuations) conjunct 1999 TD10 (invasions) are feeding the Moon/Neptune/Nictimene cluster. This affliction can denote an outbreak of a disease similar to for example the swine flu. 2020, a Year to remember!! The social media are plagued with Blood Moon doom-posts and Galactic gates mumbo jumbo and the more popular, the more ridiculous they usually are. Älvsjö which has to do with severe suffering of people with EHS is conjunct Apophis in pisces (fear of falling completely apart). While this well meaning mantra of "work hard and you'll be successful" was great for teaching discipline and commitment, it's time to understand that working hard won't get you what you want (and what will instead). 2020 is going to be another rough year for the royal family. I will analyse the 2020 new year chart step by step, after first explaining what a mundane astrological prognose is all about – and what it’s not about. However such a report would take months of hard work to create – despite the use of computer speed. This is just the sick part, the obstacle we have to get rid of as soon as possible. Mars will be retrograde Aries square Saturn, so a lot of life changes triggered by crises and pressure, the need to overcome challenges and pressure from … Rhadamantus is very strong in Scorpio. Eris is in Aries, while Cancer is the sign of the civilian, but individuality belongs to Aries. (This Plutino was strong in the charts of Herman Brood and Jean Miquel Basquiat.). Black Moon in the 2020-chart. Ixion is in the sign of space technology (Sagittarius). Book a Reading with Joni Today! I have already discussed this dominant aspect in the 2020 horoscope above. All the best, Jamie. Nature is our greatest treasure, which should be nurtured at all costs for our children, their children and for nature and life itself. Another big player/representative concerning modern technology and crossing boundaries is Uranus. Astrology predictions. whistle-blowers play an important role in 2020, but contrary to the Alex Jones-type, these are whistle-blowers of the Edward Snowden category, who disrupt the system from the inside, directly or indirectly. Elon Musk/Space-X, Amazon, Facebook, OneWeb, Telesat, Roscosmos, Aerospace Science and Industry Corp who want to launch & activate ten thousands of 5G-satellites, planned the polluting and damaging of every living square inch on Earth. Sun is conjunct the word power/NLP-Plutino 1998 HK51, Prokne (cruelty, revenge, hatred), TRIUMPF trine “parasite/empire-Centaur” 2002 PN34. So this complex aspectation points to a hars clash, a world wide awareness of the politician problem and how this has to be solved on all fronts, social, economical, in the context of human rights, privacy, democracy and a general concern for the Earth, nature, the trees and ecosystems. Indeed, this is a bloody depressing and negative view on our current world mode. The strongest player is the Plutino 1998 HK51. ATTENTION: follow up article: Whatever changes your encounter in life, be strong, courageous, flexible and adapt to circumstances. This means that 2001 KF77 is the most interesting player in this configuration on the positive side. The sign Cancer rules the civilian(s) as opposed to Capricorn which rules the officials, the governments, the state, the ruling system. Dec 14-30, 2020 — Increased news about important legal decisions, policies, immigration, international relations, long distance transportation, and large scale construction projects (something that involves large machinery, metals and stone, like a tunnel, railroad, or a large plant). The Moon/Neptune/Nictimene-conjunction in the sex degree 17 pisces and the Weinstein/Epstein-stuff continuation. Lockdown: behind the ugly scenes of the Corona-crisis and the role of dwarf planet Makemake and 2002 PN34. So, just like on the day of the outbreak of World War I, we have this Saturn-Pluto conjunction (within one degree at 00:00 hours 2020!) It was formed on May 20, 1882 and at that day Saturn was conjunct Neptune (gas, infections) and sextile Eris. Leviathan is about state lies, state secrets, official truths (lies). A “5G-accident” is possible to as a prelude to a lawsuit. This aspect denotes a powerful clash between the rulers (the system, the collusion between politics, big banking, hightech and big industry) and the ruled (angry civilians, natural reality and unpolitisized culture), like a boil bursting open, letting the puss out. However, as far as my 20 years of experience with these black lights goes, they are both important and strong players. Read your horoscope predictions to know what the stars have in store for you this week: AriesAt the beginning of the week, a negative moon can cause you to be sad and you'll feel bored, you' IPL 2020 … Jupiter in Capricorn Puts You Under the Midas Touch. According to 2020 horoscope analyses, the movement of Saturn is unique as after Capricorn, the next sign Saturn would occupy in 2022 & beyond is Aquarius, again a Saturn sign. 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