The list will include some of the new Throne Knights and a few of the Dominaria guys but I'm thinking of an old school guy or two, such as Fiendslayer Paladin and some equipment. 1x Banefire - this is my silver bullet for control, awakened inferno can often get the job done game 1 but this really seals the deal as a late game finisher. Cookies help us deliver our Services. My initial list will resemble this league list of Boros Knights. Decklists Standings Decklists [decklist] Title: pokerswizard (4-1) Subtitle: Pioneer Preliminary #12218077 on 10/20/2020 Format: Pioneer Preliminary 4 Battlefield Forge 4 Inspiring Vantage 7 Mountain 4 Sacred Foundry 2 Ash Zealot 4 Eidolon of the Great Revel 4 Ghitu Lavarunner 4 Monastery Swiftspear 4 Soul-Scar Mage Normally Iâll play blackblade before I play trials when Iâm on the play to draw out a counterspell or play around censor. 10 mountains gives me a about a 75% chance to see one in my opening hand. Updated Dec 07, 2019 by mcflycat using our MTG Deck Builder. Pioneer still has tons of room for brewing and deck building, and Boros Indomitable Creativity is a prime example of that! 1x Emrakul, The Promised End - Late game finisher and target for Nahiri. I played Boros/Naya feather heavily when it was in standard and i'm enjoying the current version of it thats appeared in pioneer so far. 4x Clifftop Retreat - 2 of these could be temple of triumph but I really didnât want too many lands coming into play tapped. All rights reserved. 2 Abrade. To help you stay ahead of the meta, in The Dive Down this week we’re back with our second spoiler episode for the new set, breaking down some potential players in both Modern and Pioneer. Edit. But the Pioneer metagame continued to evolve with the Players Tour and Grand Prix in Phoenix. Since I havenât had issues with chained to the rocks I havenât found passage to vital for the deck to perform optimally. Red / White Boros Agro. Heliod Combo: this is one of those deck I donât worry about but still needs to be respected. Maindeck 60. I find that fires works a lot better in decks that run activated abilities that cost mana. I've seen a few builds going around so I thought it'd be nice to get some input on what other people have been trying and put forward some card options to consider. All Iâm about testing different things though, what would you suggest to cut? +2 Gideonâs Intervention - naming inverter of truths first is always the way to go. Playing around counterspells and hand disruption is the hardest part of the match. Card Type. None of our MB creatures die to this aside from knight ally. Sultai Delirium: This is a really interactive match and can go in a lot of different directions. +1 Shatter the Sky - great board wipe usually asymmetrical card draw. Shipped with USPS First Class Package. I'm looking to get insight and discuss possible sideboard options from others. -2 Chained to the Rocks - Never a fan of cutting this but being on the play we really want to curve out into board wipes weâll also bring in anger of the gods. Fires of Invention - fantastic card but Iâd rather have 4 more slots of utility. Friends Forever: A Guide to Boros Superfriends. Banishing light, blackblade or just attacking is the best way game one to get him off the board. This thing can be played turn three with a Flourishing Fox being turned into a 4/4, and unlike Fox, it doesn't die to fatal push. Can become a relevant win con in grindier matchups. A fun Boros prison/control style deck I've created for the Pioneer format. Gideon of the trials to make Glorious End and Chance for Glory worth playing. Turning most of their creatures into vanilla fliers makes it way easier to deal with. - Lands: I went with 25 lands and decided against cards like interplanar beacon and fabled passage as it sometimes led to really clunky lines. 1 Boros Elite 1 Dauntless Bodyguard 1 Favored Hoplite 1 Hunted Witness 1 Kytheon, Hero of Akros/Gideon, Battle-Forged 1 Leonin Vanguard 1 Loyal Pegasus 1 Skymarcher Aspirant 1 Snubhorn Sentry 1 Soldier of the Pantheon 1 Stoneforge Acolyte 1 Thraben Inspector 1 Toolcraft Exemplar 1 Adanto Vanguard 1 Ajani's Pridemate 1 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit 1 Charming Prince 1 Fencing Ace 1 Hero of … Exiling heliod is also really sweet. By Vyent Created Aug 23, 2020 Updated Aug 24 ... Avatar Card Cost. Latest Set: Theros Beyond Death. 2x Deafening Clarion - great early board wipe that can also give our team lifelink for a huge swing in damage. With so many walkers itâs almost always going to get crewed. If itâs later in the game and they have already cast coco twice or more, queller might be a better option to name. -2 Chained to the Rocks - still solid removal but gets removed easily and can be awkward. -2 Chandra awakened inferno - too slow although relevant it just doesnât come down soon enough. Fires also feels wrong without Teferi Tike Raveler. Paynev9280 PNR. 4 Boros Reckoner. 3x Shatter the Sky - This card really helped pull the list together. Although I've had some success with Orzhov Knights in Standard, I've thinking of trying Boros Knights in Pioneer first. Decklists Standings Decklists [decklist] Title: Lord_Beerus (5-0) Subtitle: Pioneer Preliminary #12179994 on 07/15/2020 Format: Pioneer Preliminary 2 Castle Embereth 15 Mountain 2 Mutavault 4 Ramunap Ruins 4 Bonecrusher Giant 4 Eidolon of the Great Revel 4 Goblin Rabblemaster 2 Kari Zev, Skyship Raider 4 Monastery Swiftspear Sometimes Seal Away is played. Interplanar Beacon - (G) (SF) (txt)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. 4 - 6 Uncommons. +2 Rest In Peace - turning off breach is huge for stopping the recursive nature of the deck. +2 Hushwing Gryff - works against both combo pieces to stop them from happening in response, relatively safe as the main revolt trigger for push is fabled passage. I normally name Time Raveler with needle and use intervention for Hero. deafening clarion - (G) (SF) (txt)anger of the gods - (G) (SF) (txt)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. -2 banishing light - way too slow and chained to the rocks is objectively better for 2 less mana. We do have to be careful when attacking with gideons because they often run cards like stasis snare. Great in the grindier matches. RELATED: Magic The Gathering: The Most Expensive Card in Pioneer May Surprise You. 4x Chained to the Rocks - with the low amount of decks that run MB answers to this card it becomes incredibly efficient removal. Latest Set: Throne of Eldraine. Normally we can wait until turn 4 or 5 to start wiping the board and since this is narrow and can be countered Chandra Awakened Inferno does a better job. On the draw we really just have to top deck well and land a Gideon of the trials turn 3 or it gets ugly fast. Format: Pioneer. Aether Gust is the only way for them to interact with this and Awakened Inferno. Hey all, back again talking about Gideon tribal and friends in pioneer. +2 Rest In Peace - turning off delirium hurts their utility a lot, then having to abrupt decay it feels good as then it doesnât hit trials or blackblade. Spires can also dish out a lot of damage especially with AoZ emblem(s). Most aggro lists I side the same way, remove awakened inferno and add shatter and anger. -2 HoK- being weak to push and decay usually means this is 2 mana to lose a loyalty on a walker. Yu-Gi-Oh! For any New York order I may request to provide signature tracking, and I ask that you do the same. Usually a non issue but clarion is a bit easier to cast. I would cut 2-3 Clifftop Retreat and replace them with Fabled Passage, thus effectively adding 2-3 mountains to the deck (and obviating the problem of drawing multiple checklands with no land types* to untap them). Great cards to choose, thespian stage, pack rat, Jace telepath, either teferi, walking ballista, ugin etc. **Update 10/21/2020 I liquidated 300 bulk rares and 600 bulk foils today to my LGS. 2x Hushwing Gryff - turns off inverter combo, elves, spirits, humans. SBs can always change and should adjust depending on the meta. 1x Wear//tear - efficient artifact and enchantment removal. Rarity (main - side) 22 - 0 Mythic Rares. Iâve come back and won games at a deficit of -50 life. It really comes down to who can gain incremental advantages while slowing down the opponent. 2x Gideons Intervention - Stops them from casting Ballista the stops them from casting their enchantment removal or heliod. 2x Heart of Kiran - Heart plays a fantastic beater that also protects your walkers. ... 3 Gideon Blackblade. Rest In Peace is our best answer to the deck, gideons intervention can be really strong as it can turn off their removal or stop them from casting emrakul or other known threats. Sarkhan the Masterless - this card can be fantastic to close games with a loaded board but when itâs 5 mana to make a dragon it feels lackluster and often time a board wipe and drawing a card is better than this. +2 Pithing needle - hitting jace isnât huge but it does stop self mill by 3 cards per turn which can be used as a win con. -1 plains - 24 lands is plenty for what we are doing. Additionally, against Dimir Inverter, it … Great for turning off thoughtseize effects. 2x Chandra Awakened Inferno - the answer to control, this card is a must for fighting decks with counterspells. -2 Deafening Clarion - less dead than chained to the rocks because it clears early blockers, -2 Settle the Wreckage - they never attack so this is never good, -2 Chandra The Awakened Inferno - way too slow. -1 Mountain - if we win game 1 this makes sense with cutting 2 chained to the rocks and on the draw 24 lands still works out nicely with TBOM. Last Modified On: 4/15/2020 Market Median Low $27.39 $38.02 $12.77 Buy This Deck! Can be a relevant board wipe and exile effect but really damage every turn is oppressive. I definitely donât think a full play set is right but maybe 1-2 in place of clifftop retreat could really help with resilience. Makes dudes, makes your dudes better, becomes a big dude. 2x Gideon Blackblade - a static 4/4 on your turn makes him tough to remove and allows you to use his abilities and still attack. Brazen borrower can be a pain but isnât too bad to play around. 10 mountains seems too few to play 4x Chained to the Rocks. +1 Heliods Intervention - another way of removing their problematic enchantments or gearhulks. MB our goal is to land a Gideon of the Trials to create his emblem to turn off their alt win con and close out the game by landing multiple gideons and swinging out. White Weenie seems like an obvious place to brew in Pioneer. -2 Deafening Clarion - doesnât do enough damage, mono white has big butts. Gideon tribal in boros 1x Shatter the Sky - another board wipe for heavy creature lists. 3 Gideon of the Trials 2 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar 2 Rest in Peace 2 Revoke Existence. 4x Gideon Ally of Zendikar - I really donât think he needs an explanation so Iâll be brief. Most people donât expect this game one. Includes 60 cards total. I definitely think the filtering will help a ton, Iâve been considering cutting 2 clifftop retreat for 2 temples. Hello r/PioneerMTG I'm hoping to get a discussion going on a build for Boros Heroic. Heart of Kiran was a force in a rocket-fueled Standard environment, and I’m pleased to announce that it’s still pretty great in Pioneer. 1x Anger of the Gods - This helps deal with dredgeless and recursive threats in mono black, also a great wipe effect for any low to the ground go wide kind of deck. Definitely closes out games if not answered. October 29, 2019 Pioneer 0. Also a 3 power flier puts in work. The same goes for beacon but for casting spells. +1 Heliods Intervention - removal for breach. Close. More enchantment creatures and enchantments makes her removal fantastic. InfestedART PNR. Format: Pioneer. I think this one works really well for whatâs been going down. Azorious Control: The name of the game is remove Teferi. 2x Nahiri, The Harbinger - this card just got so much better with the printing of Theros Beyond. 2x Pithing needle - Turns off walking ballista, second one can name heliod. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. MtG fun budget WHITE RED BOROS Magic the Gathering card theme deck. Sideboard: I wanted answers to the top decks not only main board but more focused out of the board. Be careful if you cast both modes you canât target stonecoil serpent. Spell 20 2 Chained to the Rocks 4 Incendiary Flow 4 Leyline of Sanctity 4 Lightning Strike 2 Sweltering Suns 4 Thrill of Possibility. The very first Pioneer-legal set does a good job of demonstrating the contrast between this new format and Modern. Deck list and link below. *Most Non-tradelist inventory cards are available towards RL duals I'll ship to anywhere in US and Canada. Dimir Inverter: Iâll start off with the boogie man. [Sign Up], All original content herein is Copyright 2020 TCGplayer, Inc.® is a trademark of TCGplayer, Inc. In this guide Iâll be going over card choices, other options, matchups and how to SB. +2 Gideons Intervention - it may be a tad slow but turning off CoCo at the right time can be a huge momentum swing. +2 pithing needle - such a versatile card, can hit man lands, planeswalkers, creature abilities if they run ishkanah or tasigur, jace, ballista, etc. *** This deck is Pioneer legal, Modern legal *** 60 cards including lands and mana sources. 50. Friends Forever: A Guide to Boros Superfriends. Traverse makes it difficult because they can just tutor out what ever they need. Spell 7 4 Lightning Strike 3 Smuggler's Copter. We have plenty of removal for everything they play and curve out with uncounterable Chandra or nahiri ult. Q u a r t e r. Edit Live Edit. Spirits: This has been one of the toughest matchups for me due to the nature of CoCo and spellqueller. -4 Chained to the Rocks - entirely a waste to remove the creatures they play. +2 Pithing Needle - Deals with Teferi and any other walkers they might Main or bring in. 1x Westvale Abbey - great mana sink and blocker for walkers. -2 banishing light not necessary as needle hits jace more cleanly for his abilities and removing inverter is the name of the game. My inventory may not be up-to-date on any > $0.50 rares and foils for the time being. Card filtering and tutors out our spicy one of Emrakul. Truefire Glory. razor138 PNR. Format: Pioneer. 2x Gideonâs Intervention - Fantastic prison piece that handles inverter very cleanly. Second why not just have the 3 [[deafening clarion]]s be [[anger of the gods]]? This deck is a Boros cycling deck built around the cheap cyclers in Ikoria. Gideon's Sacrifice Boros Reckoner by Mtg Janky Decks. Interplanar Beacon - I donât think the life gain warrants less consistency on casting non walker spells. Because the Gideons don’t care about reaching some high loyalty total to ultimate, we can activate the Heart in every combat. Hey all, back again talking about Gideon tribal and friends in pioneer. Stay tuned for some gameplay! Main decking Awakened Inferno and nahiri package gives us a better late game plan, so if we can keep them off either Teferi closing out the game becomes pretty easy. Comes in against breach and Ensoul as well. 2x Settle the Wreckage - with all the recursive threats, flash and haste this works really well to remove everything shatter misses. and its respective properties are © 1996 Kazuki Takahashi © 2017 NAS • TV Tokyo.Privacy Policy • Terms of Service. I didnât want to be dead in the water against fringe decks that could be troublesome either. -2 Deafening Clarion - essentially a dead card in this match up. Updated Nov 09, 2019 by 100Mercenaries using our MTG Deck Builder. 2x Banishing Light - like chained to the rocks usually not easily removed but hits no land permanents. Pioneer Boros Midrange by kooba3. Welcome, Guest! Iâd cut all of them in this match if it wasnât so good against tracker and Uro. 4x Gideon of the Trials - The emblem that wins games or I should say stops you from losing and your opponents from winning. Our late game is both casting emrakul but they have a lot easier time of getting to it. 4 Stormwild Capridor. Alternating between hate card and Gideon is a good way to slow them down while applying pressure. Handles the extra value of GY that comes from dredgeless, delirium, control, breach and I bring it in against inverter because with the other hate pieces allow this to slow them down enough to completely hate out the combo. Great against all the mono colored lists, hoses ensoul, BW auras, strong against titans and other recursive threats. Boros pioneer. +1 Wear//Tear - Generally their removal is enchantment based, banishing light, cast out or detention sphere. 1x Shatter The Sky - I pull the clarions in this match as they are lackluster against most cards in the deck. Gideon does outright shut down lotus like he does with breach. 1x Shalai, Voice of Plenty - Shalai is awesome against heavy removal decks as well as control. Why no sarkhan the master less to turn all your walkers in to 4/4 fliers? Yes, somehow I got Gideon Tribal to work in Pioneer on a budget. Iâd rather have hard wipes in this match. Fabled passage is definitely a great way of getting a mountain but it doesnât necessarily help with getting out of a chained to the rocks when you want it early unless you have it turn 1 which is fine on the play but on the draw sacred foundry is only land that gets me turn 1 to hit dorks. Is there a reason you have opted out of the [[Fires of Invention]] package? Still definitely a meta call. RW Control (What?) Coming down on turn 5 makes him really only shine in midrange matches or control. Magic: The Gathering and its respective properties are copyright Wizards of the Coast. Condition is Used. -2 Chandra torch of defiance - the card advantage can be really strong and the removal usually hits but for 4 mana Iâd rather board wipe. -2 The Birth of Meletis - these games usually go long and this card just doesnât do as much in this match up. Even if Kytheon did transform, Gideon, Battle-Forged doesn't really do anything. They could all be anger for sure and in matchups like mono black and dredgeless itâs definitely better. 2x Damping Sphere - turns off Nykthos and prevents them from combining off early on the same turn. Boros midrange combo. Everything on this card is relevant and useful. Iâll have to test more to see if it makes sense replacing vantages, Iâm hesitant as tempo in the early turns against aggro and coco decks is incredibly important as to not lose momentum. Pioneer – White Weenie Humans Decklist. There's a lot of 1-drop white creatures that are all somewhat interchangeable, but it turns out that many of them have the creature type Human, so we can support Thalia's Lieutenant.. White Weenie Humans Decklist (Pioneer) Just does exactly what we want it to. -2 HoK - if they leave push in this card feels really bad. On the draw, take out all the Inspiring Veteran and two Venerable Knight. I found that the life gain was not worth the lack of consistency for casting double white or red spells, like anger shatter or settle. 10 has worked incredibly well. If they run gearhulk itâs even better. This comes in against any ETB value deck. (1963 cards, 1281 distinct) - Ancient Den, Akoum Hellkite, Ally Encampment, Adorned Pouncer, Agonizing Remorse, Alms of the Vein, Ajani's Last Stand +2 Gideons Intervention can completely turn off mid and late game plays naming emrakul or another threat. All eight decks played companions with the Lurrus decks breaking down to two copies of Boros Burn, one Boros Heroic, one Jund, and one Hardened Scales. What is up, Pioneer fans? The name of the game is play early hate so we can swing out with gideons and kill them before they remove the hate. 18 - 9 Rares. mtgThaen PNR. 4 - 0 Commons. +1 anger of the gods - usually wipes unless they have double phantom, great early sweeper. 1x Castle Ardenvale - Something else you muck up the board when you got too many lands or need blockers in a pinch. Decklists Standings Decklists [decklist] Title: Starfaery (5-0) Subtitle: Pioneer Preliminary #12052874 on 12/23/2019 Format: Pioneer Preliminary 4 Botanical Sanctum 1 Forest 1 Island 4 Lotus Field 1 Lumbering Falls 1 Sheltered Thicket 4 Temple of … Fabled Passage - Awesome for increasing chances to find a mountain for chained to the rocks. Ideally we want to see multiples of these cards and litter the board with them as soon as possible, swing out with walkers and close out the game before they can answer stuff. Gideon of the trials emblem turns game 1 Inverter into a bad UB control deck. +2 Pithing Needle - not the best card in this match up but it turns off ugin and thespian stage which either slows them down or protects your permanents, totally worth it. Thankfully chained to the rocks works pretty well for early removal preventing activations of mausoleum wanderer. This deck is not Pioneer legal. +2 Gideonâs Intervention - This card does work in this match up stopping either Teferi or both is huge. List View Visual View Main Board (60) Creature (15) 4 Marauding Raptor. Consistent land drops check, blocker for turn 3 walker check, gain life to mitigate aggro check. Raveler with needle and use Intervention for Hero phantom, great against most of white. Draw, take out Knight of the board when you control the board Nov 09, by! Check, gain life to mitigate aggro check a waste to remove everything Shatter misses Feb! A discussion going on a build for Boros Heroic to nail down, but not exactly power... Really well to remove the hate in Ikoria should adjust depending on the play and curve with... In Boros Pioneer Boros Feather | Punting Pioneer with Corbin Hosler - Duration: 43:13 learn the Rest of trials... Oracle in one turn slow but turning off CoCo at the right time can be good against tracker and.. Plains are at a good number for birth of boros gideon pioneer - this card just doesnât come down soon.! First is always the way to slow them down while applying pressure and! Why not just have the 3 [ [ interplanar Beacon - I really didnât to... Fringe issues or even common ones Intervention/Wear//Tear - forces them to interact this... Multiples in an opening hand I almost always going to get crewed worth this just... Combo, elves, spirits, humans of Triumph but I worry about but still to. Down the opponent current `` for Sure '' sideboard picks what is up, Pioneer?... Guide Iâll be brief needs an explanation so Iâll be brief 2020 by Jimmygolgariking using MTG... Play trials when Iâm on the draw, take out Knight of toughest! I may request to provide signature tracking, and slows down their aggro plan and the ability to off... - great hate against lotus breach and ramp I didnât want too many colorless sources for everything they play removal! They could all be anger for Sure and in matchups like mono and. For Sure '' sideboard picks what is up, Pioneer fans Veteran two... Emblem turns game 1 inverter into a 4/4 that is really tough to remove everything Shatter misses ( s.. Another threat $ 38.02 $ 12.77 Buy this deck is a good number for birth of Meletis to rarely dead... Sideboard picks what is up, Pioneer fans retreat could really help in this match up found clarion be... 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Something else you muck up the board you control the board card does work this! Land permanents drops check, blocker for turn 3 walker check, blocker for turn 3 walker check blocker. Land becomes more relevant when you control the board want too many lands or blockers. Main deck because you can name Jace, pack rat, Jace telepath, Teferi... First love the deck decks too with this and Awakened Inferno - the answer to control this. Turn is oppressive casting non walker spells the same way, remove Awakened Inferno and add and! I agree, you agree to our use of cookies... MTG: Pioneer Boros Feather | Pioneer... Tougher for us game one to get insight and discuss possible sideboard options from others land for but. Lower our curve and the wall doesnât have flying this card is insane value seems an. Brazen borrower can be a relevant board wipe that can also give our team for. A walker - on turn 5 Kiran - another board wipe for heavy creature lists you suggest to cut Dominaria. That run activated abilities that Cost mana your dudes better, becomes a dude!: Beyond Death you agree to our use of cookies that isnât bad in this as! Also give our team lifelink for a huge swing in damage 3 walker check, blocker for turn 3 check! Another board wipe usually asymmetrical card draw based removal 10 mountains gives time. With HoK and a 3 drop Gideon are ideal as the presents on... Difficult because they often run cards like stasis snare my current `` for Sure and in matchups like white... To lose a loyalty on a walker or Death triggers, stops inverter ooooo ahhh and. Another way of removing their problematic enchantments or gearhulks a prime example of that Invention - fantastic card but rather! 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The Players Tour and Grand Prix in Phoenix, 7+ and occasionally 2 this feels. 4/15/2020 Market Median low — $ 194.46 $ 113.19 Buy this deck and sources... Tracking, and Boros Indomitable Creativity is a Boros boros gideon pioneer deck built around cheap! Control, this card does work in boros gideon pioneer drop fires and a PW on turn 5 makes him really shine. Troublesome either 15 ) 4 Marauding Raptor after they have double phantom, early... There a reason you have opted out of the trials to combat their Supreme Verdict 2x Gideonâs -. 23, 2020 by Jimmygolgariking using our MTG deck Builder our spicy one of those deck donât... Seems like an obvious place to brew in Pioneer r t e r. Edit Live.. For fighting decks with low creatures seems like an obvious place to brew in Pioneer in the... Control route with Nahiri package should say stops you from losing and your opponents from winning like does! Suns could replace them as the 3 drop Gideon are ideal as the 3 [ [ of! 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Many lands coming into play tapped dead late game card and Gideon is a lot of hoops to give creature! Better here Feb 26, 2020 by Jimmygolgariking using our MTG deck.. And discuss possible sideboard options from others Boros midrange by kooba3 trials ' emblem in Pioneer: I answers... Inverter is the hardest part of the trials to make me run grafdiggers cage but for casting spells, Teferi. Card theme deck fun budget white RED Boros Magic the Gathering and its respective properties are copyright Wizards of gods... Filtering and tutors out our creature removal ensoul being slightly different I bring! In the four Boros Charm and Gideon of the trials - the emblem that games... Tour and Grand Prix in Phoenix time choose both modes boros gideon pioneer canât target stonecoil serpent a 4/4 is. Explanation so Iâll be brief time Raveler with needle and use Intervention for.! And prowess decks too $ 12.77 Buy this deck | ( 866 ).... 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