However, the amount you earn could affect your weekly benefit amount. at 356, 608 S.E.2d at 558-59 (emphasis added). The law defines a mass layoff as a reduction in force in which at least 500 employees at a single job site will lose their jobs, or in which 50 to 499 employees lose their jobs if they make up at least one-third of the employer’s work force. Quitting. Other issues that may require an investigation with the claimant and employer include the claimant’s receipt of vacation or separation pay. Do I need to complete a Weekly Certification every week to receive benefits? If you earned any wages during the week, you must report them on your Weekly Certification. Then I have a friend who filed a week ago and got his almost immediately. Examples of good cause related to COVID-19 can be found on the Returning to Work page. As a result, they end up walking away, no questions asked. They got paid without an issue (although some had delays). If you earn $75 a week, your weekly benefit will be $345; if you earn $420 a week, your weekly benefit will be reduced to $0. Mailing Address 1101 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1101. I was paid unemployment benefits once, on March 28th, and haven't been given any other payments since. Some people may be eligible to file for unemployment if they quit their job due to medical reasons – or their employer fires them for poor attendance. If the loss of one of these causes extreme impact, you might even have to layoff some of your staff. Paid Time Off (Vacation and/or Sick Pay) will not be considered separation pay if the payment was issued as a result of the employer's written policy established prior to your separation. So, my homepage is also showing pending resolution as many of yours are. That was 4 days ago and my unemployment claim still says “pending resolution” due to “deductible income” and I can’t fix it, and I can’t get thru to anyone at the unemployment office because their phone lines are jammed. You should talk to your employer. Workers receiving Paid Time Off (Vacation and/or Sick Pay) under these conditions will not be disqualified from receiving benefits. If you’re temporarily out of work or your working hours have been reduced due to COVID-19, choose ‘coronavirus’ as your reason for separation when filing your claim. This article explains the rights of North Carolina … “About $8,000 worth of work vanished in a couple days,” he said. Can I refuse to return to work? The fastest and most efficient way to file a new claim is to file online at You can earn up to 20% of your weekly benefit amount without it counting against your weekly benefit. And, while the state has taken a number of steps to expand and expedite unemployment… In order to receive benefit payments, you must meet additional requirements, such as completing your Weekly Certifications. Representatives may schedule phone interviews because there was some kind of mistake on your paperwork that will be rectified on the phone. What effect do vacation and severance weeks have on eligibility for benefits? Four days afterward, your first payment should be issued. Virtually all states look at your recent work history and earnings during a one-year \"base period\" to determine your eligibility for unemployment. Note: N.C. Executive Order 118 waives the work search requirement for people filing for unemployment during the State of Emergency. If your employer doesn’t respond, it’ll take 10 days for an approval. You will have an opportunity to provide more information about your reason for not returning to work. The alternative base period consists of the last four completed calendar quarters immediately before the first day of your benefit year.). A worker is eligible for unemployment benefits if she is separated from employment through no fault of her own. Been stuck in limbo ever since... is there hope?! Your base period is the time frame used to determine whether you are monetarily eligible to receive unemployment payments. Anyone else have this issue or know why it’s saying that. A Weekly Certification is a series of yes/no questions that helps determine your eligibility for benefits each week. Monetary eligibility simply means that you have worked and earned enough wages within your base period to meet the requirements for establishing a claim. You may answer ‘yes’ to the question ‘Did you look for work?’ on the Weekly Certification. I filed on 3/28, just got approved on 4/14 and had my first back payment for those 2 weeks on 4/15. Remember, you must report wages for the week in which you earned them, not the week in which you are paid. How do I protest the determination of my weekly benefit amount? He doesn't even have bills to pay. 1-800-NC-LABOR Im currently on wait on the phone lines now. This will show your quarterly wages paid by each base period employer and your monetary eligibility, including your weekly benefit amount, duration of benefits and effective date of your claim. The purpose of a phone interview after filing unemployment is always to verify data on your application. It has been saying “pending resolution… Essentially, he can’t afford to keep you on so he terminates the employment. I filled 3/14~ and mine is still pending. Part time employees may qualify for unemployment benefits if they have earned enough money in their base period to received benefits. Am I eligible for unemployment assistance if I’m working reduced hours? Not only is the process riddled with potential legal landmines, but delivering what is often life-changing news to a colleague unearths feelings of … If you believe wages are missing or listed inaccurately on the form, you may file a protest within 10 days from the mailing of the Wage Transcript and Monetary Determination form. A note from a Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy who is authorized to practice medicine by the state will be considered as proof of a high-risk medical condition. In most states, if you lose your job or get suspended for any reason other than a lack of work such as for a layoff, the department will review your case and make a determination about your eligibility. If you are 65 or older and/or you have a medical condition that puts you at a high risk for severe illness if you are infected with COVID-19, and your employer is not able to offer you a safe workplace or your job does not allow for a reasonable accommodation such as teleworking, you may have good cause for not returning to work and be eligible to receive benefits. If you’re working reduced hours, you may still be eligible for unemployment benefits. I filed 3/30 and am still pending resolution. Phone interviews are also necessary if data from your employer confli… If you have been found ineligible for a weekly benefit, the reason will be shown on the form. North Carolina doesn’t have its own layoff or plant closing law, so workers are protected only by the WARN Act. Without accurate data, unemployment representatives cannot assess your eligibility accurately. If your employer is not following recommended safety standards, then your refusal to return to work may make you eligible for benefits. A. Remember, you must complete a Weekly Certification for every week you are filing for benefits to receive payments. Can I choose not to return to work and remain eligible for benefits? Currently, six times the average weekly insured wage in the base period equates to $5,818.50. I wouldn’t bother calling. I filed on 4/4/2020 and it shows my weekly amount, confirmation number, all that information like it was approved. Continue to file your Weekly Certifications and report any wages you earn. The WARN Act requires 60 days written notice of the intention to lay off more than 50 employees during any 30-day period as part of a plant closing. Choosing not to return to work solely on the basis that you will earn less than you can collect in unemployment benefits is not considered good cause when your employer has offered you your former employment back or other suitable employment. Generally, an employee is disqualified from receiving further benefits if the employee chooses not to return to work after receiving notice to do so from their employer. You do not need to report to DES that you’ve gone back to work. It normally includes the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that the plaintiff’s inability to earn wages since March 2001 was due to the layoff and plaintiff’s lack of interest in returning to work, and not due to any disability associated with plaintiff’s injury. DES will determine eligibility for unemployment benefits on a case-by-case basis. What should I do? The fastest and most efficient way to apply for unemployment benefits is to create an online account and file online at After you file a claim, you will be mailed a Wage Transcript and Monetary Determination form (NCUI 550). If you refuse to return to work solely on this basis you will not be eligible to receive benefits. Any thoughts on this? For regular, monthly-paid professional staff, layoff is the elimination of a position due to a lack of work, a lack of funds and/or because of a reorganizatio… What happens if I choose not to return? After you file your claim for unemployment insurance, your last employer is given, by law, 10 days to respond to DES about your claim. The state isn't even PRETENDING to try to contact companies about unemployment claims at this time. i’ve tried calling literally every day and emailing but still cannot get hold of a live person. If you return to work, stop filing your Weekly Certifications to discontinue your benefits. However, I have reasonable concerns that my work environment is unsafe. I was let go for something that was not I my control. It has been saying “pending resolution” since 4/4/2020. In a layoff situation, in some cases, employers must give employees advanced notice of mass layoffs or plant closure. Layoff: Being laid off refers to a separation in which the employer has let an employee go because their services are no longer needed. Your claim may be identified as ‘pending’ during this period. So, I have not been asked to upload anything to show wages although I have uploaded my final check from last year and my most current one. No payment will be released until after this 10-day period. That’s the ‘waiting game’ phase where your employer is supposedly contacted (mine wasn’t) so you have to wait the full 14 days after filing to get processed. Any worker who receives severance pay is considered to be attached to that employer's payroll during that time and not eligible for UI benefits. Lack of Work In terms of job separation, “lack of work” is a situation where your employer doesn’t have enough work to justify keeping you on the payroll. But now it says, "pending resolution.” We all know what the word “pending” means. If all requirements are met, benefits will be paid. After you file your claim for unemployment insurance, your last employer is given, by law, 10 days to respond to DES about your claim. More than 300,000 people in North Carolina have filed for unemployment in recent weeks, with the vast majority of claimants citing COVID-19 as the reason for their claims, the letter reads. . But the question is: do you just wait for the state or is … If you have exhausted state unemployment insurance benefits, you may apply for Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), a federal extension to state unemployment insurance benefits. Employee Layoffs . No payment will be released until after this 10-day period. North Carolina Division of Employment Security, File, Adjust or Review Quarterly Tax & Wage Report, Petition for Judicial Review in Benefits Case, Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, Account Creation and Sign In–Employers and Remitters FAQs, Account Creation and Sign In–Individuals FAQs, Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) FAQs, Eligibility Review for Interstate Claimants (Out of State) FAQs, Employability Assessment Interview (EAI) FAQs, Employer Tax Rate and Account Number Verification, Unemployment Insurance Benefits Between School Terms FAQs, Tips for Applying for Unemployment Due to COVID-19, Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC). The term “layoff” has the following meanings: 1. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight You’re almost there! N.C. Department of Labor Physical Address 4 West Edenton St. Raleigh, NC 27601. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Which means you’ll need a layoff letter [due to lack of work] to send out to your affected employees. If you’re temporarily out of work or your working hours have been reduced due to COVID-19, choose ‘coronavirus’ as your reason for … Somewhere along the way they changed it to officially fired, though I never got any sort of info from my former employers about it. In North Carolina, it generally includes the first four of the last five completed quarters. You must report the money you earn when filing your Weekly Certification for unemployment. If you are laid off work temporarily or if your hours are reduced due to a business slowdown or a lack of demand as a result of COVID-19, you may be … Many people I know have had the exact same notation. 2. I filed on April 13 so still in my waiting window but none of my wages pre-populated either which concerns me as well. Yes. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Your eligibility and amount of benefits cannot be determined until after you file your claim. Press J to jump to the feed. For regular, monthly-paid classified staff, layoff is the elimination of a position, the reduction of a position’s percent FTE, or a reduction in the number of months the position works annually due to a lack of work, a lack of funds and/or because of a reorganization. They said the main reason the phone lines are so backed up is from people calling before their waiting period is over to check the status. In the past, layoffs typically came with an expectation that the employee might be rehired if more work became available or the employer’s financial condition improved. Status is Open, I've filed five Weekly Certifications at this point, etc. You will see a link to ‘Apply for Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation’ in your online account at after you exhaust your state unemployment insurance benefits. You may continue to be eligible for benefits if you do not return to work for good cause. A calendar quarter is a set of three-month time periods used to categorize a base year, as a base year consists of four … Mostly clear. If you don't have access to a computer or need assistance, you may file over the phone by calling the Customer Call Center at 888-737-0259 or Pandemic Unemployment Assistance line at 866-847-7209. This Court further stated: Same exact issue but I filed 3/17. Earnings over that amount are deducted from your weekly benefits. Wish me luck and ill update!! Morehead City, NC (28557) Today. Takes 14 days typically. Specifically, with your human capital. When information provided by the claimant or the employer indicates that the claimant's separation from employment was due to reasons other than lack of work, the claim must be referred for adjudication. If your employer has taken steps to create a safer workplace by following safety standards as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) or other governmental authorities or industry groups, you may be found ineligible for benefits if you choose not to return to work. When your business loses clients, contracts, or market share, it can cause major issues within your organization. A temporary layoff occurs when you are partially unemployed because of lack of work or you have worked less than the equivalent of 3 customary, scheduled, full -time days for your plant or industry and earn less than your ineligible amount (earnings allowance plus your weekly benefit amount).Your employer will notify you when a temporary layoff occurs or is pending, and will … How can one cancel a pending unemployment filing? For example, if you filed your claim in October of 2013, the base period woul… Your claim may be ‘pending’ during this period. Pending Resolution means they haven't made a determination, without regard to the reason. f you need to request for your claim to be backdated, please call the DES Customer Call Center at 888-773-0259 for assistance. Can I refuse an offer to return to work because I will earn less and remain eligible for benefits? I am not 65 or older or a high-risk individual for severe illness if I contract COVID-19. I know it sucks but if you’re still in the 14 business day window, have patience. What should I do if I’m returning to work, but I’ll be working reduced hours? Because I was fired my company didnt automatically agree to me recieving unemployment and I had to fill out report on my side of why I was fired and an arbitrator had to rule if I was eligible. However, answering ‘no’ to this question will not delay your weekly benefits. You may file your protest by sending it to the address or fax below. The fastest and most efficient way to apply for unemployment benefits is to create an online account and file online at In most cases when people are laid off from work, they are so shocked or emotional about the experience that they aren’t sure what to do, what their rights are, or if they might even have a legal basis to sue. A base period is a time frame during which an applicant is expected to have earned the required amount of wages to gain eligibility for unemployment benefits. Here are the legal issues to consider when you've been laid off. Do I have to search for work while filing for unemployment? A subreddit for the state of North Carolina. See FindLaw's Wrongful Termination section for additional … SHARED WORK PROGRAM: A program which allows an employer faced with a reduction in force to divide the available work or hours of work among a specified group of affected employees in lieu of a layoff and allows the employees to receive a portion of their unemployment benefits while working reduced hours. If you don’t have access to a computer, you can contact our customer call center by calling 1-888-737-0259. I can make more money collecting unemployment benefits than I can returning to work. More information. Every dollar you earn over $70 will be deducted from the $350. Sorry to add to the unemployment posts but haven’t seen one regarding my issue. No. If there are no issues with your claim, it will take approximately 14 days from the time you file your claim to receive your first payment. If the employer feels the claim is not valid, they may appeal the determination. However, my status is also pending, not "open" as most, if not all, of my co-workers have shown to this point. Id. An RIF, on the hand, did not come with such an expectation; it usually meant that a certain position or an entire department was being eliminated. (For more information, see Nolo's article, Unemployment Compensation: Understanding the Base Period). What should I do if my claim needs to be backdated because of delays in completing my application? WILMINGTON — The economic impact of government attempts to curb the spread of Covid-19 has been devastating. What if I have exhausted my state unemployment insurance benefits? Laid off thanks to Covid-19....filed for unemployment immediately. Your base period is the time frame used to determine whether you are monetarily eligible to receive unemployment payments. My employer didn't get the initial notice so that wasn't approved, and they haven't heard another word from DES, nor have I. 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